October 2012 Weekend Lesson Series – “Night and Day”

Update: Our series is now complete, but if you missed them you may can enjoy all the lessons from the round-up below.

Join us this weekend, 10/12 – 10/14, to learn during a very special series of lessons presented by evangelist Andrew Roberts of Columbia, TN. Andrew is author of “Night and Day,” an investigational study of the Qu’ran as it compares to the Bible. All are welcome to come participate in this intriguing study. Bring friends, family, and an honest heart as we investigate both the Bible and the Qu’ran and let them speak for themselves!

[button link=”https://glenoakschurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/October-12-14-2012-Andrew-Roberts-bw.jpg” color=”teal”] Dominion Post 10/7/12 Ad[/button]



Lesson Schedule (Videos from the series are posted in order below):

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Definitive Differences – Friday 7:30 PM

Exploring the Bible and the Qur’an – Saturday 6:00 PM

Examining Jesus and Muhammad – Saturday 7:20 PM

Islam and Evangelism – Sunday 9:30 AM

Can Christianity Survive? – Sunday 10:30 AM

The Crucifixion Controversy – Sunday 6:00 PM[/box]


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